影片分類:實拍 3D

影片名稱: BBC Tiny Giants 小動物大世界


    小動物大世界 ( Tiny Giants 3D ) 是一部3D實拍動物紀錄影片,於2014年由英國BBC Earth團隊拍攝製作完成。內容描述在浩瀚世界裡,可愛小型動物穿梭其間的生活,牠們個體雖小,卻勇敢地在弱肉強食的自然環境裡掙得自己一席之地。在小動物的世界裡,有生活在北美洲古老森林中的花栗鼠,和生活在美國西部亞利桑那州沙漠中的老鼠,牠們需要獨立面對這個賴以生存的世界,並且善用牠們巧妙的生存技巧使自己快速成長。

    英國BBC Earth製作團隊表示,當你試著要帶著觀眾來到這些小動物居住的世界時,會有一些技術層面的考驗。想像正在拍攝一隻獵豹或大象,但接著將牠縮小到小動物這樣的高度。那表示要有微型攝影機、微型鏡頭、高速攝影機,以及類似用直升機空拍一樣飛在牠們上頭追蹤記錄牠們。因此,要利用許多攝影設備,還要在地面挖出巨大的坑洞,好將攝影機就定位去抓到生物活動的情景。同時,也要試著去想想這些動物是如何做到的,並試著去看看牠們所面對的挑戰。

    Come on an extraordinary adventure into magical worlds beneath our feet that most of us never see – one where life is lived at an extraordinary intensive pace, where everything we know seems turned on its head. Experience the hidden kingdoms of the Enchanted Forest and the unforgiving desert of the Wild West.

    From BBC Earth, this is the story of a day in the life of two little heroes: a scorpion mouse and a chipmunk. For each of them this will be a day they never forget. It’s a story of drama, danger and courage, of insight and revelation, a journey to discover and understand a new and fascinating natural history.

    Using the incredibly immersive power of specialist 3D cameras, audiences will be transported in a very intimate way into another world. Visual effects will enhance the audience’s perception of scale as multi-layered backgrounds exaggerate the sense of miniaturization. Viewers will never see our planet the same way again.