影片分類:實拍 3D

影片名稱: BBC Walking with the Dinosaur 與恐龍冒險



    本片改編自1999年英國BBC大受歡迎的同名電視影集「與恐龍共舞」(Walking with Dinosaurs),由BBC EARTH的創意總監尼爾南丁格爾Neil Nightingale親自擔任導演之一,遠赴阿拉斯加與紐西蘭實地取景,採用與《阿凡達》、《變形金剛3》等同等級的Fusion 3D特效,視覺效果令人驚艷,絕對是一部精彩的電影鉅獻。

    On a thrilling ride, we spin back in time to an extraordinary prehistoric world: Alaska in the Cretaceous period, 70 million years ago – the last great flourish of the dinosaur era. BBC Earth invites you to come on a journey through the seasons, and experience a year in the life of dinosaurs fighting, feeding, migrating, playing and hunting.

    Spring signals new life as many species of dinosaurs start to lay eggs, rearing the hatchlings to ensure a chance of survival. But as the young grow through summer, they are vulnerable to predators like the Troodon. Cool autumn months spur the dinosaurs to migrate, but not without risk from natural catastrophes and packs of Gorgonsaurs hunting. In winter, temperatures drop and the sun ceases to rise. As spring approaches, the mature dinosaurs go in search of a mate. For the Pachyrhinsaur, scientists believe the frill on its head could help to attract a mate or do battle with a contender. Once mated, the pair will migrate back to their nesting ground to start their own family.

    With the most ambitious CGI visuals, this film reveals the story behind the lives of the dinosaurs and the challenges they faced in a constant battle of survival.